ScreenSite Data: Race & Ethnicity Studies Syllabi

ScreenSite collected over 500 links to media-related syllabi. In our move from WordPress to a simple HTML Website in 2019, we have preserved all these data. We may occasionally add to them as ScreenSite moves forward, but we are not actively collecting new listings anymore.

Nonetheless, corrections and additions may be submitted via an online form.

The list below contains Race & Ethnicity Studies syllabi links. For syllabi in other categories, please follow the links below.

Apologies in advance: The data may have gotten a bit dirty in the transition from WordPress to HTML.

12 Race & Ethnicity Studies Syllabi

Sorted alphabetically.

African American Cinema

University of Southern California (last updated: 23 Oct 2018)

African American Image in Film, The

Ronnie Dunn, Cleveland State University (last updated: 8 Dec 2019)

Black Images in Popular Culture

Andrea L. S. Moore, California State University Sacramento (last updated: 23 Oct 2018)

Black Studies Dissemination in the Age of New Media

Dr. Kevin Michael Foster, University of Texas at Austin . From the Website: "This course introduces graduate studentsto the work of black studies researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and helps disseminate that same body of work to a broader audience via social and new media." (last updated: 26 Aug 2013)

Cities of Dreadful Delight: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in the Americas

(last updated: 4 Apr 2012)

From Mayberry to "Netflix and Chill": Topics in Television, Race, Gender, and Class

Katherine Contess, CUNY Brooklyn College (last updated: 11 Oct 2018)

Gender Issues in Latin American History: Gender and Nation

(last updated: 4 Apr 2012)

Race and Gender in Cinema - TV

Antonio Lopez, John Cabot University (last updated: 11 Oct 2018)

Race, Gender, and Economic Status

(last updated: 4 Apr 2012)

The African American Image in Film

Ronnie Dunn, Cleveland State University (last updated: 23 Oct 2018)

Topics in African American Film

Chris Johnson (last updated: 8 Nov 2018)

Writing About Race: Narratives of Multiraciality

Course Description

In this course we will read essays, novels, memoirs, and graphic texts, and view documentary and experimental films and videos which explore race from the standpoint of the multiracial. Examining the varied work of multiracial authors and filmmakers such as Danzy Senna, Ruth Ozeki, Kip Fulbeck, James McBride and others, we will focus not on how multiracial people are seen or imagined by the dominant culture, but instead on how they represent themselves. How do these authors approach issues of family, community, nation, language and history? What can their work tell us about the complex interconnections between race, gender, class, sexuality, and citizenship? Is there a relationship between their experiences of multiraciality and a willingness to experiment with form and genre? In addressing these and other questions, we will endeavor to think and write more critically and creatively about race as a social category and a lived experience. (last updated: 28 Sep 2016)


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Jeremy Butler

Professor Emeritus of Television and Film Studies
The University of Alabama
Teaching media studies.